Inbound Shipment Details

PO Number KM1704-003
Destination FBA
Arrival Date 07 July 2017
Supplier Winnie Lam
Freight Forwarder Flexport
Shipment ID 89005
Shipment Costs US$2,953.22
SKU Product Name Units per Case Number of Cases Number of Units Shipment Costs per Unit Cost
FH-R59Y-OCMH SUMO Scoop (Blue) 60 24 1,440 $0.59 US$4,579.20
LE-J42W-SUNZ SUMO Scoop (Green) 60 30 1,800 $0.59 US$5,724.00
BX-P16J-ESZX-B SUMO Scoop (Purple) 60 30 1,800 $0.59 US$5,724.00
TOTAL 84 5,040 US$16,027.20
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